Gallery de Saint-Germain
Welcome to Gallery de Saint-Germain
Gallery de Saint-Germain is committed to sharing the works of new and upcoming artists across various media as well as established artists who represent today’s mentors. Our virtual gallery is open to the public 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Here you have an opportunity to quietly roam our halls in solitude, engage with others in active and respectful discussion, participate in an artist’s project, as well as become a mentor or voting member of a major juried event. For those looking to further their art experience, we offer access to the finest in art education. And don’t forget to visit our gift shop. Every purchase goes to helping an artist continue to pursue their passion as well as bring you fulfillment. As you can see, our gallery offers free admission. Donations are most welcome and help ensure our continued existence and growth, which ultimately bennefits you. Enjoy your stay!
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