Just Because You Can’t See It Doesn’t Mean It Isn’t Real

There was a time when we used to make fun of, belittle, ignore, and even brutalize those with physical handicaps. Since then, we have come to recognize, respect, and support those that have suffered and are overcoming what life has thrown at them. We recognize that at any moment we too could be asking for that same respect and support.

But what about those that are dealing with injuries that we can’t see. Mental health, like pulmonary, circulatory, skeletal, and muscular health, is a human system made of complicated chemical and physiological interactions that rely on a finely balanced architecture. A change to any of its components, be it genetically, environmentally, chemically, or physically induced, can severely alter a person’s psychological health. But unlike external physical injury, we only see its signs through a person’s personality.

You wouldn’t laugh at someone that lost a limb. You wouldn’t harm a person who has lost their vision. You wouldn’t punish someone who was hit by a car. A person’s mental health is not a choice any more than the size of your nose was.

Do you find yourself expecting others to just “act right”? Maybe its our expectation that needs to change. Maybe we need to find better ways to help provide our support.


OK, Let’s Talk …


Is Your Vision Being Obscured By Bad Design?